Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Use of Bio-Zyme Bacteria from TLC Products in a 50 Acre Test Plot in the Florida Everglades

The Everglades Stormwater Treatment Areas collectively comprise 57,000 acres of effective treatment area. With the excess accumulation of organic muck, dead plants and less than ideal new plant (emergent) growth for nutrient uptake, the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) agreed to a trial of Bio-Zyme bacterial products in a 50 acre secluded zone.

Download the summary and dramatic results of Bio-Zyme Dosing as compiled by personnel from Aquatic Vegetation Control.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Nutrient Reduction Trials

Nutrient Reduction Trials

Sediment and Nutrient Reduction Using Bacteria

Organic sediment measurement was taken by driving a 3-m ¾ inch PVC stake into the hardpan of a water body approximately 5-m from shore. Depth was measured by using a meterstick at 4 points around each stake to the hardpan. The data was then averaged.
E8 STA (Stormwater Treatment Area): A 475-l solar bacteria incubator was used to produce Bio-Zyme bacteria and release it daily. The incubators were inoculated monthly with two 1.3-kg Bio-Zyme slow release bags containing bacteria and nutrients. The site was approximately 3-ha. In 13 months the organic sediment reduction was 1.6 cm per month.
PGA Marsh: A 475-l solar bacteria incubator was used to produce Bio-Zyme bacteria and release it daily. The incubators were inoculated monthly with two 1.3-kg Bio-Zyme slow release bags containing bacteria and nutrients. The site was approximately 3-ha. In 13 months the organic sediment reduction was 1.6 cm per month.
PGA Entrance Pond: 1.3-kg of bulk bacteria Bio-Zyme was applied once per week by hand tossing bacteria mixed with water in three locations. The area was approximately 1.4-ha. In 9 months the organic sediment reduction was 1.3 cm per month.
Vaults: Four 90 x 270-cm cement vaults containing water 51-cm deep were filled with approximately 30-cm of organic sediment. The vaults were continually flushed with 2-l of running water per minute. Three different types of Bio-Zyme bacteria were applied to the tanks. The tanks were divided into 12 plots and the muck depth was measured.
Player Club HOA: Five waterways were treated for 90 days with EcoSocks. Each lake had 4-6 sites. Organic sediment was reduced in all lakes. The monthly average reductions for the lakes are: Lake 15 (1.6cm), Lake 20 (.9 cm), Lake 21 (1.8 cm), Lake 22 (2.2 cm) and Lake 40 (2.7 cm). The averages for all lakes combined are 1.8 cm per month.
Windstar Water Data: Chlorophyll a, was reduced by 59%, total phosphate 46%, nitrogen 78% and total reactive phosphorus 7% after treating with Bio-Zyme for 6 months.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Our Bio-Generators are now in use from the Palm Beaches to Jacksonville.
Delivering incubated Bio-Zyme to lakes every day. The results will amaze!